Solar Flare


NDG Solar Flare for Solar panels is a unique product in that it’s performance is in a league of incredible.

But, this is what we set out to do everytime we decide to create something new and we are super happy with NDG Solar Flare.


An invisible easy to apply non-stick coating for glass that repels both oil based and water stains and renders the surface super easy to clean that lasts up to 3 years and can be recoated over repeatedly.

Testing was carried out at U of A  University Biosphere 2  in Arizona USA.

A perfect value add for Solar panel system installers that does not affect the warranty of the panels.

Features & Benefits

  • Highly corrosion resistant reducing both staining and etching
  • Prevents panel performance and condition deterioration caused by staining and etching from contaminants
  • Does not block or inhibit UV A, B or C or IR rays
  • Last 3 years in average roof top conditions


  • NDG Solar Flare for Solar Glass is a protective coating that chemically bonds to the surface, creating a non-stick barrier that resists corrosion, and staining. Dust, Mud, environment pollution


  • While cleaning is made easier and less frequent, the need to clean is not totally eliminated


  • NDG Solar Flare is completely invisible and does not change or alter the appearance of the surface


  • NDG Solar Flare provides both hydrophobic and oleo phobic (water and oil repellency) protection, reducing both staining and etching that often forms ON solar glass, and other areas where solar glass is subjected to harsh conditions


  • NDG Solar Flare molecule is highly resistant to chemical breakdown by ultraviolet light giving it long term stability


  • NDG Solar Flare will eliminate the need to use harsh and often toxic cleaners needing only a simple wipe with a microfiber OR any soft cloth and water or a mild detergent to keep surfaces clean

Technical Data

Appearance and Colour: – Colourless

State = Liquid

Odour Characteristic = Alcohol like

Specific Gravity (Water = 1) = ~0.8kg/lt (6/68lbs/Gal)

Vapour Density (Air = 1) = 2.1 isopropanol

Melting Point = -90ﹾC (-130ﹾF) isopropanol

Boiling Point = 82.4ﹾC (180ﹾF) isopropanol

Solubility in Water = Miscible

Flash Point – 12ﹾC (53.6ﹾF) Closed cup


Features & Benefits

  • Assists in reducing both staining and etching: Glass is microscopically porous and as a result, it absorbs contaminants and pollution which causes discoluoration and deterioration.


  • NDG Solar Flare seals the surface of the glass helping to prevent the deterioration caused by staining and etching from contaminants including environment pollution, dust, grime and sea salt. As a result the time and frequency of cleaning the surface is reduced.


  • Maintenance costs are significantly reduced as NDG Solar Shield creates a long lasting non-stick coating which greatly reduces the time spent cleaning; maintenance costs are reduced.


  • The requirement and expense of harsh and environmentally hazardous cleaners is also reduced. NDG Solar Flare protects the glass surface from staining and etching, eliminating the need for costly restoration or replacement.


  • NDG Solar Flare for Solar Glass chemically bonds with the glass substrate and forms a permanent protection that can only be removed by abrasion and/or removal of the top layer of the glass surface.


  • NDG Solar Flare is resistant to UV degradation and as there is no film formed, no coating break down will occur.

Surface Preparation

  • The solar glass surface needs to be thoroughly clean to allow the NDG Solar Shield to maximize bonding to the surface and offer the long life expressed by the warranty. Mildly dirty surfaces may be cleaned using NDG IPA OR ALCHOHOL OR PROPER CLEANER, while hard to clean surfaces (such as high builds of soap scum or grime) may need to be cleaned using a stronger cleaning solution or a cerium oxide paste solution to completely remove all traces of foreign material.


  • The glass needs to be spotlessly clean and streak free when viewed from various angles. If a previous coating has been used on the glass this needs to be completely removed before the application of NDG Solar Shield. This may be accomplished by an application of a cerium oxide paste (cerium oxide 30% in water) and polishing.

Application Method

  • NDG Solar Shield can be applied by hand or by mechanized methods in factory to the glass before installation or in situ by professional applicators.


  • For exterior uses, try to avoid application in direct sunlight. Shake well before use.

Temperature & Weather Conditions

The coating should not be applied with atmospheric and substrate temperatures lower than 10ﹾC (50ﹾC) or higher than 30ﹾC (86ﹾF). The Optimum application temperature is 15ﹾC –25ﹾC (59FﹾF –77ﹾF). In order to cure, NDG Solar Shield needs to react with atmospheric moisture and best results are obtained with application at minimum 40% humidity.

Curing Process

On application the carrier solvent flashes off, leaving the coated surface dry within a few minutes. It takes up to 8 hours to cure under standard conditions of 25ﹾC (77ﹾF) and 60% humidity, however longer curing times can be expected if the temperature and humidity is lower. Solar glass may be handled lightly almost immediately after application.

Surface Coverage

Depending upon the conditions (temperature, wind, indoors or outdoors application) coverage rate will vary. Good conditions will yield between 150m2/Lt to 180m2/Lt (approx 200 standard solar panels per 1ltr.) for manual application. Higher yields may be obtained using automated equipment.


Solar Flare is in most instances self cleaning but when cleaning is needed be careful not to use any rough, gritty or abrasive cleaners as you may damage the coating.

Use only a damp microfiber cloth/mitt and water or mild detergent solution. For area with hard water or bore water, a solution of vinegar and water (1 to 4) should be used regularly to avoid the buildup of dissolved salts.

Safety & Handling

  • Before using please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available on our website or upon request from your local distributor.
  • Eyes: If contact is made Immediately flush with water for 15 minutes. Consult a physician.
  • Skin: Take of all contaminated clothing. Wash contaminated area with soap and water. Consult a physician if irritation develops or persists.
  • Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, administer artificial respiration or oxygen. Seek medical attention.
  • Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting unless directed by medical personnel. Rinse mouth with water. Drink plenty of water in small sips. Call a physician immediately.
  • Keep away from sources of ignition – No smoking. Take precautionary measures against static discharge.
  • Explosion protected equipment required when handling in bulk
  • Keep containers tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated place
  • Avoid breathing vapours and mist. Ensure adequate ventilation
  • Wear suitable eye protection.
  • Wear protective clothing and gloves to prevent skin contact and wash thoroughly after handling or use
  • Empty containers may contain sufficient residue to form explosive mixtures with air. Do not cut, drill or weld near empty containers.

Packing & Storage

  • FLAMMABLE LIQUID. Store in accordance with Dangerous Goods requirements.
  • Store out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry place.
  • Ensure area is well ventilated.
  • Ensure the cap is tightly secured after use to maintain optimum properties of your product for its next use.
  • Storage life of NDG Solar Shield is at least 12 months in originally sealed containers.

Dangerous Goods Information

Flash point: Less than 23ﹾC

Packaging Group: III

UN No.: 1263

Hazchem: 3 YE

Precautions: Highly Flammable


Available in 1 Litre, 5 Litre, 20 Litre, 100 Litre, 200 litre.

Copyright ©2017 Global International Business Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Additional information

Weight N/A

1ltr, 5ltr, 20ltr, 100ltr, 205ltr


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